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Vinga Group Capital Markets Day at Grand Hotel in Stockholm

Vinga Group Capital Markets Day at Grand Hotel in Stockholm

On Thursday, February 22, Vinga Group once again hosted its Capital Markets Day at Grand Hotel in Stockholm. The event had an exceptional turnout of investors, issuers and keynote speakers, sharing their strategies, insights and visions for the future.
Presentations were held by professionals and companies in a wide range of industries including battery storage, renewable energy, sustainable f

Foto: Tommy Alvén

Vinga Group förvärvar majoritetspost i SIP Nordic Fondkommission AB

Vinga Group (”Vinga” eller ”Vinga-bolagen”) har idag genom bolaget Vinga Securities Holding AB ingått avtal avseende förvärv av 51 procent av aktierna i värdepappersbolaget SIP Nordic Fondkommission AB. Affären är ett led i Vingas tillväxtstrategi och med förvärvet växer Vinga i värdekedjan samtidigt som man breddar sitt marknadserbjudande.
SIP Nordic Fondkommission AB (”SIP Nordic” eller ”SIP”

Vinga Group etablerar nytt affärsområde inom Wealth Management

Vinga Group etablerar nytt affärsområde inom Wealth Management

Vinga Group breddar tjänsteerbjudandet inom förmögenhetsrådgivning med start i december 2023. Det nya affärsområdet Vinga Wealth Management kommer att fokusera på diskretionär och rådgivande portföljförvaltning med fokus på nordiska ränteinvesteringar.

Johan Karlsson, senior project manager at Vinga Corporate Finance

Demand for Bonds Increases Among Growth Companies

An increasing number of growth companies are gaining access to debt financing outside the traditional banking sector, whereas previously, only the largest companies were able to issue bonds.
"We are noticing that this change is happening faster than before, and we believe that we can gain market share in the coming years", says Johan Karlsson, Senior Project Manager at Vinga Corporate Finance.<

Johan Karlsson, Senior Project Manager på Vinga Corporate Finance

Efterfrågan på obligationer ökar hos tillväxtbolag

I en osäker omvärld och med ett högt ränteläge är det en utmaning för många företag att hitta finansiering då de flesta utlånare är restriktiva. Genom Vinga håller obligationsmarknaden på att öppna upp sig även för tillväxtbolag. Bolaget är duktiga på att hitta lösningar som passar denna typ av emittenter och tror sig kunna fortsätta ta marknadsandelar under de kommande åren.

Vinga acted as advisor in connection with the EUR 25 million secured fixed-rate bond issue for Regenergy Frövi AB

Vinga acted as advisor in connection with the EUR 25 million secured fixed-rate bond issue for Regenergy Frövi AB

Regenergy Frövi AB, the project owner of a large-scale development of an innovative greenhouse facility, successfully closed a EUR 25 million secured fixed-rate corporate bond. This transaction is a partial closing of the Issuer's framework of up to EUR 70 million, and the capital raising will continue with several tap issues.
The bond issue was well received by the market, demonstrating the pr

Vinga Corporate Bond earns 4-star Morningstar rating

Vinga Corporate Bond earns 4-star Morningstar rating

Vinga Corporate Bond, our Nordic high-yield fund, turned three years old during the month and received its first Morningstar rating. The 4-star rating comes from the fact that Vinga Corporate Bond has generated risk-adjusted returns in the top quartile within Morningstar’s “SEK bonds, Flexible, high risk” category. We are honored and encouraged by this positive rating and continue to work on furth

Vinga acted as advisor in connection with the SEK 100 million green senior secured bond issue for Recap Energy AB

Vinga acted as advisor in connection with the SEK 100 million green senior secured bond issue for Recap Energy AB

Recap Energy AB, a Swedish renewable energy project developer and advisor, successfully closed a SEK 100 million green senior secured corporate bond. The green bond issue was well received by the market and once again shows the increasing interest in green investments.
Vinga acted as advisor in the transaction, and Setterwalls Advokatbyrå AB acted as Corporate Finance Legal Advisors. The bonds

Vinga congratulates Advanced Soltech on SEK 820 million refinancing sale and leaseback agreement

Vinga congratulates Advanced Soltech on SEK 820 million refinancing sale and leaseback agreement

Since 2019, the Vinga team has structured and raised over SEK 800 million of green bond and equity financing for Advanced Soltech Sweden AB (“ASAB”), contributing to the company’s rapid expansion within rooftop solar installations on the Chinese market.
As a partner to the Climate Bonds Initiative since 2018, Vinga has been at the forefront in making sustainable debt financing available to issu

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Vinga Group

Södra Hamngatan 19-21
41114 Göteborg