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Vinga Group acted as corporate finance advisor in connection with the SEK 107 million directed share issue for Sehlhall

Vinga Group acted as corporate finance advisor in connection with the SEK 107 million directed share issue for Sehlhall

Sehlhall Fastigheter AB, a Stockholm-based real estate company within social infrastructure and land development, has successfully completed a directed share issue of approx. SEK 107 million. The subscription price was set at SEK 850 / share.
Sehlhall is a platform company that develops, manages, and divests its in-house developed social infrastructure properties within the segments nursing hom

Vinga Securities was an event partner to the 11th annual Classic Yacht Symposium 2024

Vinga Securities was an event partner to the 11th annual Classic Yacht Symposium 2024

Vinga Securities was an event partner to the 11th annual Classic Yacht Symposium, held on Saturday in the Helsinki Music Centre.
The sold-out symposium gathered hundreds of sailing enthusiasts from around the world, as well as a broad lineup of interesting keynote speakers sharing their passion for all aspects of international classic yachting. Aside from providing ample networking opportuniti

Johannes Westin och Mikael Henriksson, Senior Wealth Managers på Vinga Wealth Management

Rätt timing för Vinga Wealth Management

Vill du också investera på den heta nordiska räntemarknaden med personlig rådgivning? Vinga startade nyligen det nya affärsområdet Vinga Wealth Management som ett svar på det stora intresset från kunderna.
– Vi har en stor efterfrågan hos våra kunder att erbjuda rådgivning kring en bredare portfölj av investeringar. Detta samtidigt som vi ville bygga på vår styrka inom räntesegmentet, säge

Vinga Group acted as advisor in connection with the SEK 65 million Hybrid Bond issue for Patriam

Vinga Group acted as advisor in connection with the SEK 65 million Hybrid Bond issue for Patriam

The transaction marks the first Hybrid Bond structured by Vinga Corporate Finance, and was well received by the market.
Patriam is an experienced real estate developer focusing on attractive locations with underlying market demand in the Stockholm metropolitan area.
Issued through the indirect subsidiary Patriam Kungsholmen AB, the Subordinated Perpetual Callable Fixed Rate Capital Security

WA3RM publishes Green Bond Framework with a Second Party Opinion provided by DNV

WA3RM publishes Green Bond Framework with a Second Party Opinion provided by DNV

In 2023, Regenergy Frövi AB (“RFAB”) initiated a bond issue of up to EUR 70 million to finance development of the company’s greenhouse project. In parallel, the development company WA3RM has developed and now published its inaugural Green Bond Framework, which will cover the current bond issue. The Framework has been reviewed by DNV, a global company in assurance and risk management.

Vinga Group ny Premiumpartner till IFK Göteborg

Vinga Group ny Premiumpartner till IFK Göteborg

Vinga Group blir ny Premiumpartner till IFK Göteborg under säsongerna 2024 och 2025. Samarbetet betyder att Vinga är med och stöttar en av landets mest framgångsrika och folkkära fotbollsklubbar. Dessutom blir bolaget officiell partner till IFK Göteborg i Samhället, vars olika verksamheter bidrar till ett bättre Sverige genom att främja inkludering och möten mellan människor.
Vinga Group grunda

Vinga Group acted as advisor in connection with the DKK 100 million bond issue for Gefion Group Holdco ApS

Vinga Group acted as advisor in connection with the DKK 100 million bond issue for Gefion Group Holdco ApS

Gefion Group (“Gefion”), a prominent property developer based in Copenhagen, has successfully advised on a DKK 100 million senior secured bond tap issue under the Groups’ existing bond framework.
Since its foundation in 2013, the company has converted old buildings and constructed new developments into several milestone projects within the Copenhagen area, including approximately 2,000 resident

Stefan Westfeldt, huvudansvarig portföljförvaltare på Vinga Asset Management

Vinga spår rekordhet svensk högräntemarknad 2024

När Vinga Group höll sin kapitalmarknadsdag i Stockholm presenterade sig flera bolag och projekt i intressesfären. Den svenska och nordiska högräntemarknaden ger just nu en extraordinär överavkastning jämfört med europeiska och amerikanska alternativ. 2024 spås bli ett nytt rekordår för emissioner av företagsobligationer.
Räntespecialisten Vinga har bistått företag med att strukturera företagso

Industrial history in the making

Industrial history in the making

The March 5th issue of Dagens Industri (Sweden’s leading business publication) includes an in-depth story on WA3RM AB and Regenergy Frövi, as well as the financing structured by Vinga Corporate Finance. The piece highlights how the company utilizes waste heat and renewable electricity to produce 8 000 tonnes of locally grown tomatoes. In this way, Regenergy Frövi contributes to increased self- suf

Vinga Group Capital Markets Day at Grand Hotel in Stockholm

Vinga Group Capital Markets Day at Grand Hotel in Stockholm

On Thursday, February 22, Vinga Group once again hosted its Capital Markets Day at Grand Hotel in Stockholm. The event had an exceptional turnout of investors, issuers and keynote speakers, sharing their strategies, insights and visions for the future.
Presentations were held by professionals and companies in a wide range of industries including battery storage, renewable energy, sustainable f

Foto: Tommy Alvén

Vinga Group förvärvar majoritetspost i SIP Nordic Fondkommission AB

Vinga Group (”Vinga” eller ”Vinga-bolagen”) har idag genom bolaget Vinga Securities Holding AB ingått avtal avseende förvärv av 51 procent av aktierna i värdepappersbolaget SIP Nordic Fondkommission AB. Affären är ett led i Vingas tillväxtstrategi och med förvärvet växer Vinga i värdekedjan samtidigt som man breddar sitt marknadserbjudande.
SIP Nordic Fondkommission AB (”SIP Nordic” eller ”SIP”

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Vinga Group

Södra Hamngatan 19-21
41114 Göteborg